Ecodesign, sostenibilità e circolarità

More and more companies are integrating sustainable innovation projects into their corporate policies. Since 2024, large enterprises are required to evaluate and communicate their ESG sustainability performances, with implications for all companies in the supply chain. A sustainable economic model entails eco-design and circular economy as fundamental elements.

Eco-design is an economic model that involves the entire life cycle of products, from conception and
design to sale and disposal, with a focus on meeting environmental, social, and economic sustainability

To meet the criteria set by the European Union, a solid understanding of ecodesign methodologies for both process and product is necessary, contributing significantly to innovation with an ESG focus. Within the corporate context, adopting a “Life Cycle Management” approach has become necessary: design, materials, processes, and communication will become effective levers for designing solutions with reduced impact. This will be supported by creative design thinking techniques that promote lateral thinking and the overcoming of outdated industrial practices.

How Crossing can help

We support businesses in evaluating their sustainability performance and assist them in reducing their
environmental impact by integrating sustainability into their business model.

Crossing offers integrated services including consultancy, information, and training. Our experts
conduct an initial assessment of the company’s status, analysing aspects related to environmental,
social, and governance areas, providing an overview of the sustainability level.

Subsequently, Crossing conducts a comprehensive analysis of the company’s processes and products,
following the main regulations on sustainability, circularity, and sector-specific norms. We assist our
clients in the design and implementation phases with the aim of:

  • Simplifying processes and product design
  • Rethinking products with a circular perspective
  • Identifying new components to enhance product sustainability
  • Improving the supply chain

Among other services, we offer consultations for assessing circularity according to the UNI-TS 11820
standard, training courses, and support in obtaining regional, national, and EU contributions for
investment, innovation, and research projects (see dedicated sheet).

Contact us for more information on these and other services offered to businesses. (