POR FESR 2014-2020 Regione Veneto – Anno 2017 Asse 1 Azione 1.1.4

POR FESR 2014-2020 Regione Veneto – Anno 2017 Asse 1 Azione 1.1.4


POR FESR 2014-2020 Regione Veneto – Anno 2017 Asse 1 Azione 1.1.4

Azione 1.1.4 “Support for R&D activities for the development of new sustainable technologies, new products and services”


The Apllicant: VENETO GREEN CLUSTER (recognised by DGR n. 54 of 27/01/2017)

Main Objectives:

Create a collaborative platform for the development of the Veneto Green Cluster program;

Demonstrate the breadth of the areas of research and innovation that can potentially be addressed by the RIR, combaning information shared  in many national or international contexts, as a prerogative for any credible and systemic initiative in the sector;

Demonstrate with concrete and industrializable cases, how the research and development process finds synthesis in a proactive collaboration between Companies and Universities, verifiable with punctual and objective results, which must be achieved during the three-year of the project, then published and disseminated;

Scientifically validate, always through concrete and significant cases, the collaborative technological platform, with research projects of different level of “innovation”.


  • Identification of a mixing protocol for waste heterogeneous plastics for the asphalt production with performance characteristics (drainage, abrasion resistance, quietness, etc.), higher than the asphalt currently available on the market.
  • Classification of available raw materials and selection of those that can be used for the recovery/recycling process. Production tests and verification of the characteristics of recycled asphalt.
  • Create a collaborative platform for the development of the Veneto Green Cluster program;
  • Demonstrate the breadth of the areas of research and innovation that can potentially be addressed by the RIR, combaning information shared  in many national or international contexts, as a prerogative for any credible and systemic initiative in the sector; Demonstrate with concrete and industrializable cases, how the research and development process finds synthesis in a proactive collaboration between Companies and Universities, verifiable with punctual and objective results, which must be achieved during the three-year of the project, then published and disseminated;
  • Scientifically validate, always through concrete and significant cases, the collaborative technological platform, with research projects of different level of “innovation”.

Final results: Within this project, it has been possible to develop a method for the recycling of waste of polyolefin as efficient additives to produce hot mix asphalt. This sinking fraction of polyolefin recycling is today a waste sent to incineration, in contrast to PE/PP mixed polyolefin which are sold as primary secondary materials for 0.45 €/kg for plastics production. Data achieved on laboratory scale, revealed that hot mix asphalt containing 4% by weight of waste of polyolefin had very high performance even superior to normal asphalt. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis is ongoing.

The technology is currently being developed to semi-industrial scale. Further studies will focus on the characterization and standardization of the plastics recovery process.

Financial Support Granted: 2.640.145,87 € on a total eligible cost of 4.553.194,78 €.
