BANDO BREVETTI + 2021 – Decreto Direttoriale 29 July 2021 – Asse III – Competitività PMI

BANDO BREVETTI + 2021 – Decreto Direttoriale 29 July 2021 – Asse III – Competitività PMI

BANDO BREVETTI + 2021 – Decreto Direttoriale 29 July 2021 – Asse III – Competitività PMI

Enhancement Project related to out patent application “SURFACE ANTIMICROBIAL TREATMENTS” filed on date 11/12/2020.

Aim: the main project objectives are:

  1. Design and industrialization
  2. Organization and develpment
  3. Technoloy trasfer

Duration:  from 29/09/2021 to 29/03/2023

Financial support granted:  103.360,00 € on a eligible cost of 129.200,00 €