BANDO BREVETTI + 2019 – Decreto Direttoriale 26 Novembre 2019 – Asse III – Competitività PMI

BANDO BREVETTI + 2019 – Decreto Direttoriale 26 Novembre 2019 – Asse III – Competitività PMI


BANDO BREVETTI + 2019 – Decreto Direttoriale 26 Novembre 2019 – Asse III – Competitività PMI

Enhancement Project related to out patent application “INNOVATIVE TANNING AGENTS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGHLY STABILIZED LEATHER” granted on date 15/05/2017.

Aim: the main project objectives are:

  • market analysis to indentify theaths and opportunities;
  • creating a strategy to economically enhance our patent;
  • identification of activites and tools to seize the opportunities.

Duration:  from 01/02/2020 to 31/07/2021

Financial support granted:  38.200 € on a eligible cost of 47.750 €