Elements – Science Gallery Venice – 4 – 25 October 2019
04.10.19 – 25.10.19
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Scientific Campus – Edificio Alfa
via Torino, 155, Mestre (VE)
04.10.19 h. 5:00 p.m.
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Scientific Campus – Edificio Alfa
via Torino, 155, Mestre (VE)
ELEMENTS celebrates the 150th year since the creation of the periodic table of elements by changing the perspective and showing that there are no good or bad elements in themselves, but rather it is the use chosen by the human being that makes the difference.
We are normally used to dividing chemical elements into good and bad according to the implications we know: oxygen allows us to breathe and therefore it is good, uranium is radioactive and therefore it is bad. The pop up exhibition gets to the heart of “pop elements” that are present in movies, comics and literature, of precious elements, vital, lethal and hi-tech ones and finally points the spotlight on four elements we deal with every day some of which are potentially dangerous and others will decree which nation will, in the future, be the master of the world: chlorine, phosphorus, cadmium and cobalt.
For more information: https://venice.sciencegallery.com/elements